In 1990 12,000 community banks operated in the United States. Today it’s less than half remain.

Our mission is to change that trend.

Hi, I’m Bill Zeinert and I serve community banks by helping these organizations
prepare great bankers to be indispensable leaders.


Neck Up Leadership uses three of the nation’s top curriculums to create a pipeline of leaders ready to take your independent community bank into the next decade.


Research Driven. Real World Ready.

Businesses that implement MBTI programs report an increase in decision effectiveness by up to 48%.

TalentSmart found emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs. 

Companies reported a 35% improvement in their ability to develop and retain potential leaders within their ranks.


Our Proven Process Creates, Grows and Refines Leaders Across Your Organization.

Neck Up Leadership focuses on the key soft skills needed to provide emerging leaders with the tools to grow and the advanced leadership courses senior executives use to refine their leadership style.


It's Time for a Check Up from the Neck Up.

Take your independent community bank into the next decade, today.

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