Tim Beimal Tim Beimal

What does progress look like?

Two steps forward, one step back. This phrase has been used countless times to describe the frustration and discouragement that is felt when progress comes slower than someone thinks it should. We think positive results should be achieved in a predictable manner that is tied to our effort but based mostly on our expectations. When progress doesn’t show itself in a smooth and timely manner, we quote tired old phrases as we wait impatiently for our expectations to be met.

The key to making peace with quirky progress lies in understanding non-consecutive successes. Whether through lazy human nature or sunny optimism, we tend to forecast success at every turn. In a perfect world, this would be the rule; unfortunately, our world isn’t perfect, and stormy weather shows up in the form of failures, delays and unexpected pitfalls. When we begin to adjust our expectations to make room for imperfections, we take a step in the right direction. The farther we move away from perfect-world scenarios, the closer we get to embracing intermittent success.

Think of your favorite movie. The actors never miss a line. Each scene is perfect. From props and costumes to lighting and sound, it’s a masterpiece. Of course, it didn’t all happen on the first cut. In fact, the 90-minute production that won countless awards likely took months—or years—to complete.

Progress in your professional life—and even personal life—will follow the same storyline. Don’t give up on yourself because of a temporary setback. Keep giving a genuine, consistent effort, even if you don’t see progress the first day, week, or month. Success sometimes moves at its own pace, so be patient with the process. Stick to the script by keeping the goal in mind. Find objective ways to measure your progress and celebrate even the smallest gain. It will all be worth it when you reach the red carpet that is your project’s finish line.

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